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What's Inside of Me? (We Are Created by God)


This wonderful 60 page educational e-book offers weekly lessons for a year to help teachers and parents introduce children to the Bible through song, by learning only one simple verse each week, along with the corresponding virtue that the Bible teaches in each book which is placed inside their hearts!


Children are taught (through song) about compassion, kindness, acceptance, tolerance, and with each virtue we share a verse from each book of the Bible.


Each lesson introduces a special virtue, attribute, biblical verse, definitions, weekly activities, and information to help children not only learn about the virtues that are placed inside of their hearts but also an easy way to learn about each book of the bible through song.


There are fun activities offered, a beautiful audio powerpoint with song and description of each of the 66 books, and interactive suggestions on how to help children create songs and play their instruments to help them with their creative ideas. Enjoy the sample powerpoint and 5 sample virtue lessons on these links!  (Sample link to 60 page teacher ebook) Please copy/paste




Song/Powerpoint: Video and Example Lesson Plans (Please copy/paste)

(3) We Are Created By God - YouTube


Weekly fun musical videos are also available and can be tailored to fit for your personal school or family! (see the "What's Side of Me" 4 videos for $29 per month for video purchase or call or email for more info on discounts for 6 months!!




What's Inside of Me? Teaching Children through song about virtues and Scripture


    Dance with Nance

    Nancy Holden

    Huntington Beach, CA. 92647


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    Gladly Accepted or Venmo 760-815-0620 or @Nancy-Holden-5

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